Day 2: Learning New Skills January 3, 2020

Today I began a new course, to expand my skills.

I’m taking a class in Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO), the one thing I was never able to learn when I had a day job.

This was part of my plan all along. CRO is one of the most in-demand things business owners want. (Well, really, they want growth. But CRO usually leads to growth.) And I was just never able to find the time while employed to learn it.

It’s essential for me, I think, because it feels strange to approach small business owners to say “I can teach you how to market your business online” but then to say “Well, I can teach you everything except how to maximize your conversions. For that, you’ll have to pay some agency thousands of dollars.”

So while I try to find new clients to teach how to drive traffic to their sites and profiles, I will be trying to learn how to better convert that traffic.

So far the class is engaging and I’ve already picked up a few insights that I’m not sure I knew. (Though I have read extensively about CRO in recent years.)

Wish me luck.

Day 2: Learning New Skills January 3, 2020

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